Things To Do In Maui On A Budget

We quickly learned that Hawaii isn’t your typical budget travel destination when we first started researching it, but that doens’t mean that you have to spend your life savings. There are lots of things you can do in Hawaii, and on Maui in particular, for free, or almost free. Things to do in Maui onContinue reading “Things To Do In Maui On A Budget”

5 Awesome (and Cheap) Things to Do in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is not a cheap place to travel – but then again, no where in Scandinavia is. If you want to explore some of the best parts of Copenhagen, and on a budget, then check out this list. These 5 attractions are some of my favourites, and (most) of them will not set you back too many kroners.

5 Different Budget Travel Modes In Australia

5 Different Budget Travel Modes In Australia Planning an Aussie vacation is no simple task – for most of the world, it’s a long way to get there and then a huge country to explore. There are plenty of things to take into account from the type of transportation you’re going to take, what timeContinue reading “5 Different Budget Travel Modes In Australia”

Frugal Family Travel: Your Guide to Travel Hacking

Many families work on a tight budget, but you still want to find some ways to make more memories with day trips, weekends away and even aiming for that once in a lifetime trip. If you want to stretch your budget and get the chance to enjoy those special trips, you need to know howContinue reading “Frugal Family Travel: Your Guide to Travel Hacking”

The Budget Travel Guide to Macedonia

Most places in Eastern Europe are great for the budget traveller, and Macedonia is no exception. Expect to find a great range of accommodation, plenty to do, and eat like a king in Macedonia for an incredibly reasonable price. Couple budget friendliness with plenty of cultural, historical and natural things to do and see, andContinue reading “The Budget Travel Guide to Macedonia”

Budget Travel in Indonesia

Indonesia is the perfect budget travel destination. It’s a much loved holiday destination for Australians, and no wonder. It’s one of the only countries that Australians can fly to on a budget, and once you arrive it is pretty easy to stretch your funds. Like any place, there are aspects of Indonesia which can blowContinue reading “Budget Travel in Indonesia”


SECRETS FROM A FREQUENT FLIER TIPS TO KNOW & MISTAKES TO AVOID When travelling, you can always spot the frequent fliers from a mile away. They’re the ones that breeze through customs without any chaos and look fresh faced even after flying long haul. The good news is; you don’t have to hit the skiesContinue reading “SECRETS FROM A FREQUENT FLIER – TIPS TO KNOW & MISTAKES TO AVOID”

5 Easy Tricks To Save You Money On The Go

Do more, travel more, and do it more often. That is pretty much everyone’s goal. There is a lot of information out there about how to save money when you travel. We all know the traditional ways to save costs; travel in the off season, look for airline sales, house sit or couch surf…. butContinue reading “5 Easy Tricks To Save You Money On The Go”

Budget Travel in Albania

Albania is a budget travellers dream. If you are coming from a western country with a strong currency, you can live like a king during your vacation in Albania. Albania really has it all as well. It has gorgeous ancient ruins, beaches and seaside towns, ancient fortresses and castles, delicious cuisine, friendly people, and thatContinue reading “Budget Travel in Albania”

Budget Travel in Brunei

When it comes to South East Asia, well Brunei is probably the least budget friendly. This wealthy little nation has little tourism, and little need for it. But despite the lack of competition for tourism services, you can still score some pretty good deals. Budget Accommodation in Brunei Before arriving in Brunei we were visitingContinue reading “Budget Travel in Brunei”

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